Saturday, August 06, 2005

Buh bye!

Off on vacation. Have a lovely week everyone. I'm going to try and stay the hell away from a computer while I'm gone. I'm off in search of the color that escaped from my legs ten years ago when I moved to Seattle. Ly and I are going to look hot at this wedding. I just need to figure out how to post pictures to this here sight.

Red eye flights are good I've decided. Get on the plane, sleep, and boom, you're there. Of course the minute we get on the plane the order of the day will be klonopin, 1/2 percocet for arm spasms, and a cocktail - not necessarily in that order. I'm not an addict, I just play one on tv.


1 comment:

amandak said...

Missing you already. :(

Flagstaff was good. Hope your vacation is excellent.

Much love, as always.