Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Originally uploaded by cwrubs.
and a far away view.


lonna said...

Those are beautiful. I am interested in what they both represent. I love the colors. They look so vibrant.

hazel said...

so pretty!!!

amandak said...

Ooooh, purty. I dig the green toe nails too. ;)

Stine said...

Lonna, the one on my right foot is a computer generated mandala for the heart chakra. The one on my left foot is a representation of pure mind/consciousness. So a proper balance of heart and mind if you will. That, and the fact that they are on my feet as in "helps to ground me".

Or something like that.

Kodi said...

I love them! Tattoos are addictive. I have two, and if I could afford it, I would have many more.

Stine said...

Kodi, where are yours at?

2ndaryHighway said...


Stine said...

Yay, hi J!

Yay, yay, yay

And I just had to add Ly....

my word verification for this post was:

l wy be?

That's all I have to ask right now.