Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Yes, don't mind if I do

I'm going to do this because I'm SO procrastinating doing my school stuff and all the organization stuff that needs to be done for this show to get off the ground.

10 years ago: Lyam and I were living in SLC packing all our things getting ready to move to Seattle in a week and a half. We were in the processing of quitting our job at the telemarkters (HATED IT!) and closing out all our accounts, etc. etc.

5 years ago: I will in the middle of massage school and working 40 hours each week. Lyam was in the process of putting up the production of his zombie play "Sunken" at Open Circle Theater.

1 year ago: Ly and I were having some "times" in our marriage, I was doing Jesus Christ Superstar and had just started working for the chiropractor. Lyam was facing another season of mirth at the work place formerly known as the Harpie Toy Store.

5 snacks: anything with cheesey sauce, honey roasted peanuts, popcorn, smart puffs, string cheese

5 songs I know all the words to: Time Heals Everything, I Just Wanna Be a Star, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Mamma's Little Sweet (one my mother made up and used to sing to me at night), Mandy by Barry Manilow (so fucking shoot me)

5 things I could do with $100 million: off all my debts (excuse my while I fantasize), buy a car, buy a house, invest enough for our retirement, pay for enough IVF to possibly have a baby.

5 things I would never wear: bikini, polo shirts, hip hugger jeans, tube tops, no more big saggy baggy dresses

5 favorite tv shows: Lost, Amazing Race, 24, Buffy (when it was on), Firefly and Angel (when they were on)

5 biggest joys: cuddling and rubbing my body all over the hound at the end of a long day, hearing happy stories about my friends and family members children, Buddhism and chanting, when I am in the ZONE and lose time and become one with my clients body, getting a really killer cathartic bodywork session

5 favorite toys: My strap on, my husband, my purple blankee, my little tin, my hoohaa

- Beige, Ly, Rob - go to town dudes!


Kathryn said...

Ah, another Joss Whedon fan. I miss Buffy and Angel.

Stine said...

Oh good heavens, I'm a rabid fan. I miss Buffy and Angel too.