Monday, May 01, 2006

A two-legged doggie & a vodka cran - to go please

So look what I saw the other night on Inside Edition:


Edited to say: The link is fixed now

I cried, and cried, and cried. They showed pictures of the little thing as a puppy, standing up on it's two hind legs with these big ears, and two doe eyes looking at you just begging to be petted. Fuck though, if I were a two-legged dog, I'd be up on my hind legs begging to be petted as well. Hell, I ain't even a dog and I'm ALWAYS begging to be petted.

So the show is garnering some controversy. One of my clients, who works for the City of Seattle, told me that there had been a protestor in front of City Hall a few different days this past week. It was a single gentleman, who was protesting the fact that our show Woman/Girl was being linked to on the City's "Things to do in Seattle" section of their website. He claimed they were linking to "porn". I'm sure he's not even read nor found out anything about the show. That's the way these things work, right? Anyway, this dude apparently called KOMO news, the news folks called the City of Seattle, and from there, I'm not sure what has happened. But hey, a little controversy is good for the soul, right? The talkbacks after the matinees have been interesting. Despite some flaws, the show is bringing up a lot of issues for people. Issues of rating pedophilia/sex crimes, for example: female to female crimes aren't generally considered as "dangerous", "problematic" as male to female crimes. The age of consent varies from state to state. I also found out that the laws for heterosexual and homosexual age of consent laws vary. In many states the age of consent is higher for boys. Suffice it to say, the issues this play addresses, have been bringing up a lot of debate.

I'm starting to feel like I can breathe again in regards to my time, and getting my shit done. Why oh why is "getting my shit done" so fucking important to me. Again I have to thank my mother. I'm just a control freak, that's pretty much the end of it. Ly is not allowed to comment on that last statement. I want to focus on bringing in the bank so we can get Ly into a martial arts class asap. He, and in turn I, am so much happier when he has an outlet, with which to channel all the kinesthetic energy that lives in his body. And hopefully, with hard work and a little luck, we can have a friggin car within the year. I at least, want to find a nice place for us to go for a weekend on our 10th anniversary this August.

I'm also intent on finding a yoga class that I can start attending after Ly gets into martial arts classes. My body SO needs it. I've been having some neck/numbness/spasming symptoms again. I'm seeing the doc this week. They are manageable, but I want to at least get another referral for 12 more massages.

Ly and I purchased Serenity yesterday. Le Sigh. Only 4 more seasons of Angel to acquire, and the Joss Whedon world will be mine forever! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!


Missuz J said...

I finished Buffy last night.

Spikey, Spikey, I love you!!

Oh--sorry about that last. It just kind of slipped out.

So--I'm trying to decide if I should start in on Angel.

Stine said...

Beck, I would say start Firefly next, and then finish with Angel. Have you seen Serenity?

thelyamhound said...

She's already seen Firefly, right? Remember, Captain Mal was in the sexy Joss Whedon guy running . . .

Stine said...

Oh yeah...well you know what they say about short term memory.

Sorry bout that Beck.

the beige one said...

I have created monsters...

NME said...

That two legged dog is amazing.

Stirring up controversy is great. Congrats.

Missuz J said...

Watched Firefly way before Buffy. Actually, if I hadn't loved it so much, I probably wouldn't have given Buffy a chance (ghasp) because my perception was that it was kind of, um, lame. So. Again, totally wrong.

:) Me