Wednesday, January 04, 2006

And in closing...from the gimp vocal cord girl

Quality could be better, but hey...I just wanted to remember after surgery, that even with the gimp cord, I could still sing. It ain't B's voice, but once upon a time.

too bad we can't do audio posts that are duets.

this is an audio post - click to play


amandak said...

Damn it all to hell! I can't get either yours or Becky's audio to play. That sucks.

Missuz J said...

Ohhh. That made me so happy and so sad. So happy to hear that lovely voice singing. So sad that I wasn't singing along with it.

hazel said...

aw, that's so sweet, your voice.

the beige one said...


NME said...

That is pretty damn impressive piece to sing too. You didn't go for the easy vocal did you. I commend you.

amandak said...

See?! After that comment from Nicole, I'm even MORE curious! What did you sing?

I gotta figure out a way to hear this.

Kodi said...

Just got the word from Mandy about the surgery. Sounds like there is a big chance your beautiful voice will sing on. I know I met you only the one time, but I think you rock. I admire your drive, and the fact you had the courage to pursue your dreams instead of taking the easy way out. Can't wait to hear from you again. Here is to a speedy recovery.