Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Some things suck, some things don't

Since I can’t seem to manage a full post, I’m going to make one of my
“Things that suck, and things that don’t lists.

Things that suck today:

My neck and arm are in pain
Client cancellations
Dry gooless salad
Feeling nauseous while giving a massage
Cranky husbands who teach me a lot about myself
Mountains of paperwork
Having to return a movie back unwatched (Ly and I were having one of our “in between the Netflix” joneses” and didn’t know our limit)
Having to tell the visiting teachers that I didn’t want any more contact
Feeling bad about how I handled a situation with a fellow Buddhist
Feeling nauseous and faint on the bus home
That I didn’t get a birthday card in the mail for my father, who’s birthday is tomorrow
The degenerative state of the polish on my toenail claws

Things that don’t suck today:

Helping a client feel better who has been having many horrid health issues going on
My leetle friend
Gay Marriage Ban Falls Short
Best friends who listen, validate when appropriate, and let you go off
Cranky husbands who teach me a lot about myself
Friends taking steps to make their lives better
Husbands who send writing samples of their CD reviews to music critics at the local weekly rag
Getting friendly with myself
Getting shit done
Hopes of good things in the mail
Thinking back to Monday night when the Hound came home all testosteroned out, 12-years old, high as a kite on endorphins talking excitedly a mile a minute after his first kickboxing/mixed martial arts class.
Thoughts of later taking a nice long bath, and rubbing heating massage goo on my body, and watching a Buffy that I’ve seen 600 times.


~A~ said...

Cranky husbands who teach me a lot about myself LOL so true so true

So are you like pregnant or you lightheaded and nauseous for some other reason?

xoxo me

~A~ said...

Oh and I just scrolled down. I've spend mucho time in the San Juans. If you want quaint and quiet, Orcas is nice, it's my fav. But if you're one of those who likes lots to do, San Juan.

BUT I think if you and Ly haven't yet, Whidbey is where you want to go. To be more specific, here

thelyamhound said...

Ooh . . . that DOES look promising.

Stine said...

It looked very promising until I read this:

Abstain from stealing, sexual activity, and from telling lies.

The first one, and the last one, no problem. The one in the middle - ON MY 10TH ANNIVERSARY?

A - I am unable to get pregnant, I'm just a bit hungover.

Missuz J said...

STOKED that Ly sent his stuff in. I've been hoping he'd do that for years.

Love both lists. Love you.

NME said...

I also hate returning unwatched movies and doing paperwork. However I am a huge fan of neck pain, feeling nauseous and forgetting birthdays. Oh and obviously making stupid ass comments. Sorry.

Good luck LY!

rob said...

A - I am unable to get pregnant, I'm just a bit hungover.

Me too! Quit biting my style!