Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I've been so MIA lately. Things have been booming as far as business and billing goes, and the paperwork is killing me. I seriously need to consider hiring someone to do my billing.

We're having a small Thanksgiving at our place this year. It will be the first time in 9 years that I've cooked a turkey. I'm going to brine it in Amaretto. It should be lovely. It will be nice for Ly to have his first day off in like a zillion years.

Speaking of, I don't care if you "think" you don't have anything to say, Ly please make another post.

The closing of the show went well, mostly. I guess it went as well as it could have with the circumstances as they were. Too bad that certain people couldn't/didn't come to the cast party. Ah well, it would have been a nice gesture on their part.

So with all this new business and work to do, my time on the computer is getting less and less. It's getting harder to keep up with things. I'm going to try and get caught up with everyone's blog within the next two days.

Have a good day all.


Missuz J said...

Here here on the hound posting! I'm getting a bit, umm, bugged when I check his spot and find THE SAME OLD SHIT, although, yes, working ones ass off is a reasonable excuse for not posting.

Hooray on the booming business.

Amaretto turkey? Sounds fabulous. I'm in charge of pies this year. I think 1 pumpkin (for form) one coconut cream, and one lemon.

Stine said...

Hmm....pies. Yummy. We'll see how the turkey turns out. Knock on wood, hopefully it will be yummy.

Certain attitude adjustments can make just about anything yummy.

amandak said...

Yay, a new post! Now, if we could just get one from your man..... ;)

I'm officially avoiding the packing that I really do need to be doing, like, immediately. We're leaving today when Clark gets off work, and the laundry is mostly done, but the packing isn't even started. ICK.

So glad to hear business is booming. Wish I were there to help out with the paperwork thing, I have a feeling I'd be pretty good at that, and it'd be fun to partner with you on something new.

I'll try to give you a call on Thanksgiving, have fun, and enjoy the day off together.

Stine said...

Have a safe trip. All you Cedar people, have a great Thanksgiving.

hazel said...

having too much work to do is a great problem to have. though it is a problem indeed.

amaretto turkey!! sounds fabulous. good luck and happpppppy holiday!